The busking copper who joined me yesterday in Centenary Square in Brum is PC Ian Northcott…and amazingly he’s a bit of a songwriter himself in his spare time…but more so he does great charity work and has a special support thing he does every Christmas for the homeless of Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Coventry called Chocs n Socks. He has a song called ‘Pleasure’ on You Tube and requests that other musicians have a look / listen and do a version of it and re-post it to his You Tube site to raise the profile and awareness of his charity. What a great idea – have a look – visit hereĀ
Ian said ‘I would likeĀ for musicians to cover my song “Pleasure” to hopefully help promote my Socks and Chocs event which myself and four colleagues do each Christmas Day.Ā
In 2011 we donated about 1800 pairs of socks, over 2000 bars of chocolate, 150 sleeping bags and 400 blankets. I helped the homeless in Coventry, Birmingham, and Wolverhampton.Ā I really want musicians to cover the song in as many different styles as you can. Forward it to your friends so they can cover it and let’s see if we can get it the most covered song on You Tube.I know most of you can do a better job than I can so go for it and put me to shame.Ā Play it in any key just keep the lyrics intact and place the same chord numberings in any key.Ā Please call it “Pleasure” and refer to Socks and Chocs For The Homeless.Ā Thank you.
During the past 24 hours it’s developed that Ian is going into Ribanna Studios in Brum in early Nov with a few musos (your’s truly included) to record a version of the song :-)…lol rock n roll …you couldn’t make it up :-).
Also…pics from the gig with Slim Chance added – visitĀ
And don’t forget the up and coming solo gigs…hope to see you at one – details hereĀ